Homeschool Day at the Capital
In honor of tomorrow, "homeschool day at the capital." I submit the following quote.
"The first and basic premise of paganism, socialism, and Molech worship is a claim that the state owns the child. The basic premise of the public schools is this claim of ownership, a fact some parents are encountering in the courts. It is the essence of paganism to claim first the lives of the children, then the properties of the people...How can we expect God to honor us, or bless us, when we give our children to the state schools and surrender their minds daily to the teachings of humanism? It is sin and madness to believe so, and those who try to justify their sin only increase it. The true believer will, like Hannah, see children as a gift from the Lord, to be given to the Lord as long as they live."
"The Roots of Reconstruction," Rousas J Rushdoony Page 10