Carved In Stone

A Discussion Forum generally focusing on quotes from great men who shaped the course of this Republic and Western Civilization as a whole particularly in the areas of Theology, History, Philosophy and Politics.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Ancient and Modern Tyranny

"In the ancient tyrannies of the Mesopotamina world, kings were said to be divine. The Egyptians believed that their Pharaoh was a divine being, the link between heaven and earth, the sustainer of Egypt's prosperity. This belief led directly to the idea of a divine State, a political order which could not be challenged by 'mere men.' The State, since it was the highest link between man and God, was therefore all-powerful, in the theologies of the ancient world. Of course, you can accomplish much the same thing by denying that there is any God above the political order. Since the State is the most visibly powerful human institution, athiesm removes a concept of some higher court of appeal beyond the State. The State becomes 'divine' by default -- the highest court of appeal, the highest moral authority. Not every athiest is a statist, but where athiesm predominates, the State steadily encroaches on men's freedom, for they are left with no higher authority to appeal to, or to provide them with the moral justification for resistance to tyranny. Where the fear of God is absent, the fear of the State is a convenient, and universal substitute." (Gary North, Unconditional Surrender p.14 - December 1982)


Blogger Ishie said...

I'm sure the vast numbers of people slaughtered under Christian governments would take great comfort in this.

Goshdarned atheists...

6:04 PM  

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